Organisations we partner with
We have many long term clients and pride ourselves on repeat business

Local Land Services
Melaleuca Environmental has conducted dozens of contracts for Local Land Services, including in their Northern Tablelands and North West regions. Projects have focused on agricultural education, natural and cultural resource management with Indigenous communities, writing books and ecological assessments.

CSIRO contracted Melaleuca Environmental to work with Indigenous language experts to contribute the first set of Indigenous language names to the Atlas of Living Australia.

Local Aboriginal Land Councils
Melaleuca Environmental partners with many Aboriginal Land Councils to undertake projects, such as Fire & Seasons calendars, conservation scoping studies, plans of management, business development assessments and more.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW
Aboriginal Affairs contracted Melaleuca Environmental to work alongside Baryulgil and Malalbugilmah Aboriginal communities to develop an Emergency Management Calendar.

Tenterfield Shire Council
Tenterfield Council is a long term client, seeking assistance from Melaleuca Environmental in preparing State of the Environment and Review of Environmental Factors reports, and as an Expert Witness in the Land and Environment Court of NSW.

Glen Innes Severn Council
We have completed State of the Environment reports and a Seasons of Australia calendar, as part of bushfire recovery following the Black Summer Bushfires of 2019-20.

Natural Resources Commission
Alongside Tamworth and Guyra LALCs, Melaleuca Environmental project-managed Aboriginal cultural values and renewal assessment in NSW forests post-wildfires - Banbai Case Study.

University of New England
Melaleuca Environmental undertook field surveys for vegetation assessments and soil samples for the University of New England. Dr Michelle McKemey also teaches casually at the university.

Melaleuca Environmental provides subcontracting services to larger consultants, such as BMT WBM. We assisted in the Ecological Character Description and update of the Ramsar Information Sheet for the Kakadu Ramsar Site and the Cobourg Peninsula Ramsar Site, as well as the Kakadu-Vulnerability to climate change impacts study.

Ngoorabul Community & Glen Innes LALC
Working with the Ngoorabul community and Glen Innes Local Aboriginal Land Council, we co-developed the Willows Boorabee Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management 2019 – 2023 and the Ngoorabul Fire and Seasons Calendar.

Amaroo Local Aboriginal Land Council
Amaroo LALC commissioned Melaleuca Environmental to undertake a Business Feasibility Assessment: Greenhouse Enterprise and a Scoping Study for Conservation Options for Aboriginal-owned land.

Agricultural Information & Monitoring Services
Melaleuca Environmental provided specialist advice for conserving biodiversity on privately-owned agricultural land.

Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
We have undertaken several contracts with DPIE, including through the National Parks and Wildlife Service, to prepare educational resources and strategic plans.

Uniplan Group
To assist with the Development Assessment process, Melaleuca Environmental provides Koala Habitat Assessment reports for Uniplan and their clients.

Costa Group
Melaleuca Environmental assisted Costa Group with environmental assessments as part of the expansion of their tomato glasshouse near Guyra, NSW.

Jane Goodall Institute
As a career highlight, Melaleuca Environmental worked with the Banbai Rangers to contribute a chapter to the book, Living Landscapes, part of Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots Australia Resource Box for Schools.

We have worked together with Landcare in many roles, from educating school children, to presenting to farmers and community groups on biodiversity conservation and similar issues.

Biodiversity Conservation Trust
We provided ecological assessments and client liaison for BCT and its predecessors, supporting biodiversity conservation on private land.

Resource Consulting Services
Melaleuca Environmental provides guest speaking services to RCS, a business which provides holistic agribusiness education and professional advice.

Inverell Shire Council
Melaleuca Environmental provides development assessment services to Inverell Shire Council, such as threatened species and koala habitat assessments.

Bureau of Meteorology
The Australian BoM feature several of our Fire and Seasons calendars, developed collaboratively with Aboriginal communities, on their Indigenous Weather Knowledge site.